Is Sumac Flower Illustrated in Voynich Manuscript?

I was trying to figure out meanings of folio95r1. This plant have been familiar for me and I felt a gravity to understand more about the writings. I was thinking that it could be a barberry 
However, the meanings suggest that it is a sumac flower.

تبری = سماق = Sumac

ریج سره تبسق سبج دت کدری پوست ج تبری وریته د سرآتش کدا توپال آتش و بد سمک دریج شط 

ریج > ریز = Small
ریج سر = Small head
تبسُق = بلند و دراز شدن = To become tall
سبج = یاقوت = Ruby
دت = دختر = Daughter
 دت = اسامی بنات نعش دب اکبر یا اصغر = Names of Banate naesh (Ursa major /minor) 
کدری پوست = Darkness of skin
ج > ز = از = From
تبری = Sumac
وریته > وریتا = Flower 
سرِ = Head of 
دسر = Dessert 
آتش = Fire
کدا > کده = House
آتشکده = Fire temple
 توپال =  براده ی فلزات تفته  = Swarfs of heated metal
بد > باد = باشد = To be
سمک = ماهی = Fish
دریج > دریجان = ده درجه از هر برجی = Ten degrees of each sky tower
شط = رودخانه ی بزرگ = Big river
ست = صد = hundred

For this translation I have used dehkhoda dictionary, and my experience from previous pages. 

"=" means that word equals to the next. 

">" means that definition is for a modified but similar word. 

[Note: This translation is not completed.] 

Since it was indicated that folio 95r could be a poison sumac (See voynich portal) [1] and it is next to f95r1, I tried to read it. Using the previous method and questioning if the writings are in wrong place. 

Folio 95r:

با بدسر ج ک ام ا پت در ات اتدر اس پ  تدر ریا کدپام ریامپ ارا پا جترید ریا اریاو پ و دت کد ار ت د ه پار گاتو جده ار پ ار س ااته جتس دت و دری تس کدریت سار اس م ه ات دپام

با بدسر جک نبت در ات اتدر اس پ ت دریا کد پام ریامپ ارا پا جترید ریا اریاو پ و دت کد ار ت د ه برگ اتو جده ار پ ار س ااته جتس دت و دری تس کدریت سار اس م ه ات دپام

نبات، گیاه

دریا کد
House of Sea


بابد سر جک نبات




گیاه سر کاکل دار
Crest head plant

پوبد سر جک نبت
Pobad-sar a jak nabat


[Note: The reading is not completed.] 


1. J.K. Petersen, 2013, Voynich Large Plants – Folio 95r, The Voynich Portal. 


  1. I think you should not rely on what other Voynich writers have said about the plants. It is likely to mislead you. JKPetersen is not a botanist, and not an art historian so he must rely on guesses. You must rely on the written text.
    Please remember to include the folio number in each post.
    I cannot judge your translation or how you approach the written text, but it does suggest the sort of travel-companion friend which medieval Persians called 'an Ark book'.
    Since the poems of Hafiz were often copied into those little books, you might try testing the text against it. Much of what you write seems to be poetry, doesn't it?

    1. Thanks for your advice. I think from a botanical point of view it is debatable. The lines seem to have a special intangible rhythm. I have not heard of 'Ark book of Hafiz'. If possible, write its name in Persian.


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