Voynich Manuscript: First Page Completed

The beginning page of voynich manuscript consists of four paragraphs. After months searching in Persian dictionaries the meanings are completed.

گاه وریات/وراط ار وپم تا رو پارته و ریده/رده جدتس حد را دروی آبم جدای شم هومر جتری و در وری ام جد اس وحش محو 
شدم تا پارس حیر و عطر مدر گام

The time/song I pass through the lands to go to Parete and there is enormous horizon. I will be separated from border, on water. Homer Jattari and I am in desert. There are giant animals. I vanished to Persia for wonders and attars the cloddy step.
  تپاجه قدم جدشار وجدت صرید پادتشم ادریده قدت شد 

Steps with throbbing sound, filled with effort.
 I found a frozen sheep and its foot also became torn pieces.

و شدت وپم دو با دسته دریج دوایر متدرج دریا جدات شم و دسمته ریع وجد مادت شو دریدش پاریدت شم جریاتو جتو درآید جدر شم جاش درد شم جدریات واد پاتو عطریم بشم و رید شج بدریاوشه سر جپام دریامر عطر شد جدریا در توشم 

And with force I pass. Running. With group of constellations in scaled circles. I'll become separated from sea and into water ways. Found the material, teared that and a flow comes out of. The wall of that also becomes teared. From sea wind. I go to herbal attars. And face of horizon to the sea of Japan. Attar is the provision. 

به دم دریام واد تپ دسته پوست آرد سروشم عدت شم پات شجه ریمسار وتاحه شم توریم د پاتد پاو دشری به دریا شط 

I am in seashore. The wind makes throbbing sound. My messenger comes with a set of skin. I became dark. Plant, the dirty face, decreasing of that adding plant. Adjusting cleaning. To the sea river. Jattari.  

وریات: وری +ات
وراط: زمین های پست
وپم: بپی ام 
دروی: در +روی
رده: سنگ های بزرگ
وری: بریه
مدر: کلوخ 
صرید: میش یخ زده 
دو :دویدن 
دریج: دریجان 
دسمته: بسمته
دشری:دش، آراستن خود 
ریع: آبراهه، جای بلند 
مادت: ماده، اساس  
جدر: جدار، دیواره 
پات: گیاه 
جاپام: جاپان، ژاپن 
توشه: آذوقه 
واد: باد ۱.نسیم ۲.بودن
 سروش: ۱.فرشته ۲.پیام‌رسان ۳.فریاد 
عدت: تیره گون 
وادی: سرزمین 
ریم: چرک 
رید: کرانه 
وتاحه: کم کردن چیزی 
توریم: دراز شدن و مالیدن گیاه 
پاو: شستن و پاکیزه کردن 
شج: رخساره

We can understand the first page is describing an itenary like story from tongue of a person named Homer Jattari. Who was Homer? What happened? Why is the book coded? There are many questions to answer. 

Facts vs Observation

I) A constellation circle in astrology pages of the manuscript. The animal in the center represents the astrology house and each human figures has a star in their hands. 360 ° of inner and outer circles are divided by these human figures. The inner circle is devided into 5 parts, each about 72 degrees. And the outer circle is devided to 10 parts, each about 36 degrees. The translated line from paragraph three indicates the writer was passing through lands with help of constellations in scaled circles

II) Species such as spotted spurge and tree philodendron are drawn in the manuscript : 

Tree philodendron , a tropical plant in the family Araceae. It develops a single, unbranched, 4-inch diameter trunk supported by long, dangling rope-like roots. The large, showy leaves are attached to the trunk by long, smooth petioles. The pedal-less flowers are enclosed in a spathe, a modified leaf, which is often mistaken for the flower itself. It is native of the tropical regions of South America.[1,2,3,4,5] 

Spotted spurge is a small fast-growing annual plant in the family Euphorbiaceae, with creeping to semi-upright stems. Its slender stems are often reddish,and contain a milky sap. It is a plant native to eastern North America, usually considered as a weed in gardens
. [6,7,8]

What would explain the existence of plants native to a far continent in a 15th century book, unless the writer had been in sea travels. As we see the translated text have mentioned that. 

III) Many pages of the voynich consist of herbal illustrations, and the writer pointed the reason of travels as searching for amazing attars.

VI) I could see a major part of vocabulary were from Farsi and Persian languages. And in the first paragraph, it was talking of Pars the specific name for Persia. 

Repeated Patterns 

The text of voynich manuscript contains of many repetitive sequences, in a way that for the sentence let's watch birds on the trees a voynich equivalent would be letss watchch noise noise house green bird green house on the trees. In order to solve this problem, the repeated parts were omitted in recognizable pattern. Significant patterns include:

The patterns of omission:

They are in two forms including alternative and inverse patterns. Alternative refers to patterns with same ends or beginnings. This occurs in two, three or more neighbor words. Inverse are those with the following pattern : AB CD PZ CD AB 

The twin joining patterns:
They are sequences which pursue the rule of AB BC  - ABC. In this kind, only one of the repeated letters will be deleted and it seems the two letters are joining as one. 

More details in Voynich Sequence

About Transcription

Mysterious signs of the manuscript didn't show much similarity to any languages I knew. However, for transcription an alphabet set was essential. By taking a look at oldest scripts a variety of similar signs had been found. The signs were mostly picked from Brahmi descendent scripts, Greek and Latin. In the process, alphabets were changed each time by observing meanings, example; I would apply different sounds for the same sentence and when the words made relevant meanings to the pictures, the alphabet would be in list. 

After examining four paragraphs, there was extreme meanings. The grammar and persons of verbs were making sense. Further, some native speakers agreed the language was understandable. But I couldn't find any record of this particular language. This may suggest the language present in voynich manuscript might be the only record of it's own, divided from old Persian in early times. 

Example of the Process 

The same process can be seen in other pages,  the picture below is showing writings of inner circle, for the astrology illustration. 

«حرید» solitary and  «پج» goat  = solitary goat 
So the astrology sign must be capricorn, or aries

This is for Herbal page containing the plant name which follows the simple inverse rule: ABCBD > ABD

Folio 20v -  Portions of:
Voynich Manuscript, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library - 

First line of folio 20V: 
G.A.M.H.A.R D RI.D.D  J.V.P'.D.G.D.A'.T.V

G.M.H.R RI J.V.P'.G.A'.T.V
قمحری جوپگ 

قمح: گندم 

جوپگ>چوبک: نوعی گیاه
(Chubak: a kind of plant) 
چوبک گندمی 
The wheat like Chubak 

Description of Chubak: A group of plants which their roots have been used to wash and clean clothes as a soap due to the substance saponin. In this group "Ful al Arab" or " Persian ghasoul"  is a small annual herbaceous plant, its leaves are opposite, hairless, long, pointed and triangular, in the base of which embraces the stem. Its flowers are red and often grow on fields as a weed. [9] In addition, one of the species ; Acanthophyllum bracteatum had spiky leaves which resemble the illustration.

And the beginning lines of fairy baths change into:

ریاتسوریار دریت کدریار جوریاتسو کدپار جتسو سم جت ت هجتک  
اتسو را دریت کدر جور اتسو کدپار جتسو سم جت ت هجتک  
اتشو را دری تکدر جورات شو کدب رجه سو شم تهک
عطش ور درِ تکدر جورات شو کدب رجه سو شم تهک


(thirst) عطش: تشنگی 
(fire) آتش: شعله  
(like) ور: ور، وار  
(darkness of water) تکدر: تیرگی آب 
 (kind) جور:گونه  
(white, fresh) کدب:سفید،تازه  
(row, queue) رجه:صف  
(naked) تهک:عور،عریان  
 شم :در متن ها ی قدیمی به معنای رفتن  هم معنا می دهد
(to go: the word is in old form) 
عطش ور در اقسام تیرگی ها که سفید می شود، سوی صف عریان می روم

"I go thirsty/like fire, in the darkness which change to white, to the queue naked"


ریار اریدسو د کدریامت در ا ک ریام جتری
ارید سود کدریا مت در اکریام جتری
عرید شود کدریا مت در اکرام جتری

(far) عرید: بعید، دور
 (darkness. plural) کدریا: کدری ها 
 مت: دوشابه ی انگور و خرما 
(syrup of vine and palm fruit ) 
(respect)  اکرام: بزرگداشت

 کدری های دوشاب دور می شوند در  اکرام جتری 

“The syrup's darkness becomes far, in respect of Jatari”


1. Some words have more than one definition. 
2. A few phrases are visible in other forms before the omissions. 
3. The words are in old style. 
4. And No similar record to the manuscript have been found. 

You can find a better insight into the procedure from: The Pattern Hypothesis of Voynich Manuscript








7.Wikipedia, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphorbia_maculata


9.https://attarak.com/خواص و مضرات گیاه چوبک


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