An Introduction to Voynich Manuscript Decipherment: Coloured Cells

Now that you are familiar with alphabets, I will explain the new method I have developed for voynich decipherment, which is using colored cells. Colored cells help in identifying repetitions and by observing each step, we will be able to find any wrong omissions and this will reduce errors.

This is an example from folio 1V, one of the earliest type of colored cells. There are ten columns, which help in counting the words. Each word of a paragraph, is transcribed into empty cells, from left to right, using English substitutes. The rules are shown with three colores ( blue for alternating, pink for twins, and green for reversed type).

Each stage (A, B, C,..) is distinguished by yellow and orange. Each yellow/orange portion consists of two parts, and the omitted form is shown in the second part. 

New meanings may emerge, layer by layer. And after omissions some of the clear sentences will be omitted, and by using these colored cells when looking back to the process, we can find them easily. 

As I have stated, one must change the script to find words in dictionary, so for the meanings of folio 1V :

Paragraph 1))

 ریع حوادث. نبات واقعة. به تاوش عطری شود رید سرع 
دش و زدود ز شریجة باری.باشد ریت مرتهد تود ری دسو

.افزایش حوادث، گیاه حادثه. با تابش، عطری می شود

Rise of accidents, plant of accident. With
radiation it becomes fragrant. ..

درو کرد شاخه ی تازه ی آن را و برداشت از باردان باری 

He/She harvested its fresh stems and took a load from container. 

باشد زندگانی مرده 

The life is dead 

 توت را برعکس بالندگی(کاهش)

For berry, opposite of growth (decreasing) 

Paragraph 2))

ببو. جدت ثمر باد آتش ارت. ثمری پاج دریا تعتب کد طدة. هت شب عطرید وری شد. سو دریج تاود تریو.آپا سو ت شم.
جدر دریا. ثریو سر، جدت شد ربد ثمر. جد صوب درآد پات. 
وسطه بد طد سر.

Smell. Verb

 میوه تازه آتش پاک بواد
Fresh fruit is clean fire. 

میوه ی بز دریا، خشم گرفتن با خانه ی استوار ساختن(صورت فلکی ترازو) 
Fruit of sea Goat and angry with house of Stabilizing (Libra).

 بخشی از شب سمت عطارد شد
Part of night became to the direction of Mercury. 

 ثریا سوی دریجان می تابد
The Pleiades shines in direction of constellation. 

 سوی آب ها تا شوم جدر دریا، سر ثریا
In direction of waters till I go to wall of sea, on the Pleiades.

 سر ثریا گل تنک میوه، تازه شد
Flower of fruit became fresh on the Pleiades. 

 گیاه سمت جدی در می آید
The plant grows in direction of Capricorn

 وسطه است، سر استوار 
The stable head is in the middle. 

Note: Although we see clear meanings and grammar, it still requires more experiments. 

And this is the latest colored cells, showing folio 4v, which divides steps of deciphering, based on the order. 1. Pink cells or twins. 2. Blue cells or alternating. 3.Green cells or inverse. 

In this form the numbers have developed to three dimensions, that helps in counting and finding the words.  Similar to the coordinates, the house of writings can be expressed. For example (1,1,1) or  P'.A'. D. D. M this is the first word or باددم that would change to P'. A'. D. M or بادم. that is defined as Almond. 

S. P. Motiee Jooybari 


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