Voynich Mystery: A Theory

A manuscript was found in ltaly,1912 AD, which has amazed people for decades. 

The voynich contains of plant illustrations and Italian style drawings. It must be a plant
 medicine book according to the illustrations. Although many people tried deciphering it, the meaning behind the words still remained mystery. Mostly because we need to find what are the alphabets first.

The manuscript was written some years in15th century.However,the letters did not look like the languages used in that time. As l looked into ancient alphabets, specially Indian ones such as Brahmi, Kharosthi and Gupta; the similar signs were recognizable.

I want to describe the possibility of how the manuscript can be in Indian languages,in brief.

If we look at page 60 the plant figure matches with selloum; a specie native to South America. 
How can the specific specie of America, another continent so far from Europe, be 
described at a 15th century book found in Italy.  

 According to radio carbon the voynich writing period could be from 1404 to 1438. "an aged nautical chart of 1424, showing what an outstanding Portuguese cartographical expert, Armando Cortesão, asserts is a representation of the New World made almost seventy years before Columbus first voyage, and possibly proving therefore that someone, perhaps unknown Portuguese navigators, had reached America by that time."(1) Thus the manuscript must relate to an explorer or a botanist which have seen the plant. 

The possibility of the code to be in Indian languages:

The picture shows some signs in Brahmi ,Gupta and Kharosthi which are really similar to the voynich. (Right signs in each columns are the voynich letters) 

How could the writer even know them?

Thinking about the exploring age, that's not that unexpected. "CONTI, NICOLO` DE’ (1395-ca. 1469), Venetian merchant who traveled in the east from 1414 until 1438. He first learned Arabic at Damascus, then visited Baghdad and Basra, traveling by sea from there to Bandar-e ʿAbbās, Hormoz, and Qalhāt on the ʿOmān coast, where he learned Persian. Conti then traveled to many places in India, Southeast Asia, and the Sunda Islands. He returned via the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and Egypt." (2) this may suggest that Conti was related to writing of the manuscript.As he learnt languages through his journeys and his wife was Indian also the two Batak ,an Indonesian script, and his visit to Indonesia may highly rise the possibility. 

With the help of letters pronounce some words are giving meaning(one example in the picture below) 

Flatten Everything Under pressure.......Decoction study

 डपटना =dhapatana(Hindi) =Flatten 
સમસ્વ=Samasva(Gujarati) =Everything 
अधराव=adharaav(Hindi) =under pressure 
काढ़ पढ़त=kaadh padhata(Hindi) =Decoction study 

problem is that the Google translate may not always give the correct translation. 
Maybe one day the mystery will be solved and we'll understand the knowledge behind the old manuscript. 

For finding progress of the theory see: Voynich Manuscript First Page Completed 

1.Was America Discovered Before Columbus? /Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. April 1955. Volume 6/ American heritage.com 
2.CONTI, NICOLO` DE’/ lranicaonline.org



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