
A Sentence Structure in Folio 1V of Voynich Manuscript

Decipherment of first two lines of folio 1V of Voynich manuscript brings words which are available in dictionaries as well as sentence structure. Ri. A' . H. V, A'. D. S . A. M, P. A'. T . V, A', GA, A. T" , P . T, A, V, S . A', T'. Ri , S. V, D ری.ع ح.و.ا.د.ث ن.ب.ا.ت و.ا.قا.ا.ت ب ت.ا.و.ش ع.ط.ری ش.و.د In these two lines, Persian and Arabic words were included in Persian grammar. .ریع حوادث. نبات واقعة به تاوش عطری شود Noun phrases: Persian Ezafi structures ریع حوادث: مضاف، مضاف الیه (بدون ال عربی) نبات واقعة: مضاف، مضاف الیه (بدون ال عربی اما واقعة عربی است) Sentence structure نبات واقعة به تاوش عطری شود : گروه نهادی، حرف اضافه، متمم، مسند، فعل اسنادی سوم شخص(جمله فارسی)  Nabaat (e) vaagheat be taavesh atri shavad.  1. Subject group = nabaat (e) vaagheat 2. Predicate = be taavesh atri shavad 2.1) Preposition: Be = with 2.2) Complement: Taavesh = Taabesh = radiation   2.3) Musnad مسند : Atri = fragrant 2.4) Verb: shavad = to become 3sg ریع کردن: رشد کر

کتاب راهنما: پیوند ستاره و گیاه

پس از اتمام امتحانات زمان لازم را پیدا کردم تا اندیشه هایی که در طی این چند سال بر روی دست نوشته های ووینیچ داشتم را نظم دهم و در قالب کتاب بنویسم After finishing the exams, I found the time to organize the previous thoughts i had on Voynich manuscript during these few years and write them in the form of a book.   کتاب پیوند ستاره و گیاه ، کتابی کاربردی برای بررسی بیشتر معمای ووینیچ می باشد و به زبان فارسی نوشته شده است  The book peyvad e setareh va giah (The linkage of Star and Plant) is a practical book for further investigation of the Voynich mystery and it is written in Persian.   نمونه ای از جمله های عجیب حاصل شده در صفحات دیگر دستنوشته های ووینیچ با کمک روش توضیح داده شده Voynich manuscript: folio1v An example of the strange sentences in other pages of the Voynich manuscript, resulted by help of the described method. 

Folio 58r of Voynich Manuscript

1) ریدر آدت جددبدرات آدقا ج دب س ت سجدسات در باو دتات ا ر دتادریات وریتادس د ات جدب ه 2) درآد تجدد بدرات ادقج دب تج دسات در باود تا تار دتا  دریا توری تا دسد تج دبه 3) .درآید تجدُّدِ بدرات، ادقج دُبِّ تج دسات در باود تا تارِ دته. دریا ثوری تا دستِ تج دُبِّه Appears the rejuvenation of full moons, narrower. The groups of crown bear is up to the star of datto. Taurus of sea, up to the group of crown bear.  درآد درآید It grows/ appears تجدد نوشدن To become new بدر   ماه کامل Full moon ادق باریک تر Narrower دب خرس Bear تار < تارا ستاره Star تور / تورا = ثور گاو Ox دت   اسامی بنات نعش Names of Banate naesh (of Ursa Major constellation ) باود < بواد باشد To be

The Lizard of Folio 73r

When this DNA-like structure forms a plasmid.  For the circular form of the writings, these two portions are chosen from folio 37r, which has a lizard-like drawing in the center.  1.   RI. A. R, D. RI. T. D. H, D. RI. A. R. V, D. RI. T. T . D. S. V, D. V. P. T. T . S. V, D. RI. V, A'. T. G. V, D. P. A. T', J. T. RI, A. R RI. A. R , D. RI. T. D. H, D. RI. A. R. V ,  D. RI.  T. D. S. V , D. V. P. T.  S. V , D. RI. V , A'. T. G. V , D. P. A. T', J. T. RI, A. R   T. D. H, T. D , V. P. T, RI, A'. T. G, D. P. A. T', J. T. RI H, V. P. T, RI, A'. T. G, D. P. A. T', J. T. RI   ه وپت ری آتگ دپات جتری و ب تریا تگ دب تجتری و = and  ب = به = to  تریا = ثریا = Pleiades  تگ = پایین = below  تج = تاج = crown  تری =?   تج + تری =?  و پایین خوشه ی پروین، خرس تاجدار And below the Pleiades, the crowned Bear  2.   D. H. A. M, A'. T. S. A. M, D. P. T. T . V, A'. T. S. A. T'. V, D. RI. T. T. T . H, A'. T. P. T. T. T. T . H, D. P. T. D. S. A. T' D

Voynich Manuscript: Fungi and Ants

Folio85r1 - Paragraph 8 - Part 1: P'.D.S.A.M, J. S.A.R , V.P'.A'. S.A.R ,  S.A.R , V.P'.A'.S.V, K. D. P'. D. T', S.A. R , RI.T.J.D. R , S.A'.S.A. T' , A'.D. T' P'.D.S.A.M, J, V.P'.A' , V.P'.A' .S.V, K.P'.T', S.A, RI.T.J.D, S.A'.S.A, A'.D P'.D.S.A.M, J, S.V, K.P'.T', S.A, RI.T.J.D, S.A'.S.A, A'.D بدسام ج سو کپت سا ریتجد ساسا اد ب دسامج سوکپت ساری تج دساسا اد به دسامه شوکفت سری تاج دساسه اد به دسمه شکفت سرتاج دساسه Be dasama shekoft sartaaj e dasaasa Dasama (دسمه)   means ant and aj (ج - )  is a suffix which can be seen in a few words. For example the word dasta  (دسته) had changed to dastaj (دستج) in old times, resulting of Arabic effects on the Persian word.  Shokoft (شُکُفت)   can be a vowel shift in the dialect variety for shekoft (شِکُفت) . however, I have not seen this type yet. On the other hand, b loom in noun form would be s hokofeh (شُکوفه)   .   Shekoftan  (شکفتن)   is a ver

Is Sumac Flower Illustrated in Voynich Manuscript?

I was trying to figure out meanings of folio95r1. This plant have been familiar for me and I felt a gravity to understand more about the writings. I was thinking that it could be a barberry   However, the meanings suggest that it is a sumac flower . تبری = سماق = Sumac ریج سره تبسق سبج دت کدری پوست ج تبری وریته د سرآتش کدا توپال آتش و بد سمک دریج شط  ریج > ریز = Small ریج سر = Small head تبسُق = بلند و دراز شدن = To become tall سبج = یاقوت = Ruby دت = دختر = Daughter  دت = اسامی بنات نعش دب اکبر یا اصغر = Names of Banate naesh (Ursa major /minor)  کدری پوست = Darkness of skin ج > ز = از = From تبری = Sumac وریته > وریتا = Flower  سرِ = Head of  دسر = Dessert  آتش = Fire کدا > کده = House آتشکده = Fire temple  توپال =  براده ی فلزات تفته  = Swarfs of heated metal بد > باد = باشد = To be سمک = ماهی = Fish دریج > دریجان = ده درجه از هر برجی = Ten degrees of each sky tower شط = رودخانه ی بزرگ = Big river ست = صد = hundred For this translation I have used dehkhoda dictiona

Iteration Theory of Voynich Manuscript

Statements: 1. For each paragraph of the Voynich manuscript, there are various repetitive elements in a sequence of words.  2. Each sequence is an island with its own repeating element which is not necessarily the same as the next sequence. Figure 1. (a) Repeating elements are not necessary same as next sequence. (b) The repetitions can be seen in different sequences of words.  3. The structures of sequential repetitions are in three families (See Voynich Sequence: Three Families of Repetitions & Rules of Omission ).  4. There are layers of these repetitions(See Barberry ).  5. The symbols are similar to those in ancient Indian scripts.  6. The coded Persian words can be seen as separated words, relevant to voynich figures.  7. Reading shift will show Persian sentences. 8. There was a mother text, the space of words was removed. The resulting text was divided into small pieces, a sequence of these pieces was selected, and layers of repetitive elements were added. And then the a